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Cancer Care and Screening

Dr. Cseak is the only physician in Ohio who is certified in anthroposophical medicine (out of which mistletoe therapy was developed). This 5-year training and certification, and her ongoing studies, have given her extensive knowledge of the mind/body aspects of cancer care, as well as up-to-date clinical expertise required for mistletoe therapy management. She has been using mistletoe therapy in her practice for over 15 years. 

Modern science has affirmed the therapeutic importance of mistletoe, through identification of the viscotoxins (literally, "mistletoe toxins"), lectins, and alkaloids thought to be responsible for its anticancer and immune modifying activities. Presently over 60% of all cancer patients in Germany and Switzerland are prescribed mistletoe at some point in their treatment.


Although mistletoe therapy is generally used as a complementary therapy to conventional chemotherapy and radiation, many patients who have either failed chemotherapy or chosen against it, have used mistletoe successfully. More research is needed to study the effectiveness of mistletoe as a stand alone therapy for cancer. Our clinical experience supports its use in most types of cancer, whether the patient is using conventional therapies or not.

You can access more information about mistletoe HERE.


[An important note from Dr. Cseak for patients who are doing the "Greek" test (aka RGCC test): Be aware that they ONLY test your sample against ONE mistletoe subtype, in ONE strength. There are many different subtypes (different host trees), and different strengths of mistletoe. Each patient's subtype is chosen based on what type of cancer they are dealing with, and the strength needed differs from person to person as well. If your test comes back saying that mistletoe is 'ineffective' against your type of cancer, this is likely very misleading. I have been in contact with the company trying to resolve this issue and their answer is for me to send every subtype and strength of mistletoe to them along with every patient's blood sample so they can test it. If you want to incur the cost to do this we can do it, but I will be happy to expain why it is unnecessary.]


The Galleri® test

The Galleri® multi-cancer early detection test detects a cancer signal across more than 50 types of cancer**, many of which are not commonly screened for today. With a simple blood draw, the Galleri test provides early detection insights that help you be proactive about your health. When a cancer signal is detected, the Galleri test predicts the origin of the cancer signal with high accuracy to help guide the next steps to diagnosis. Using the Galleri test alongside existing screening tools is expected to improve early cancer detection for patients at an elevated risk of cancer, such as those aged 50 or older.



Here is a video about this test:  



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